It’s The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year

Seriously, my favorite time of the year is Christmas.  It’s not even about the gifts I receive, it’s about spending time with my family and close friends and getting to share the joy with those I love.  This year is the BIGGEST reminder of just that.  It’s hard to remember that it’s not even about all the cute traditions.


1. Decorating a Christmas Tree – I’ve already talked about this.  It’s one of my all-time favorite traditions.  In fact, at home I have 3 or 4 trees (I forget).  One big huge one, and a few smaller ones.  I love taking out all the ornaments and hanging them on the tree, because they force me to remember how each one came to us, and the love and joy we share in our family.  Plus, it always confused the dogs as to why we had to move around our furniture for a month.  (Why are dogs so cute when they are confused?!)

2. One word: DISNEY – When I was in high school, I used to sing every year in the Candlelight Processional at Epcot.  Our high school was always one of the top schools picked, so I would get to participate for multiple days throughout the season, and honestly, it was always the best part of my year.  After Christopher and I got serious, we became Disney passholders, and every year, going back to Disney at Christmas time is our favorite.  We watch the Candlelight Processional, we go experience the Osborne Family Lights at Hollywood Studios, and we just plain enjoy Disney all decorated for Christmas.  In our first year with no Disney at all, this is the hardest Disney tradition to forego.

3. Work Christmas Festivities – Last year was my first Christmas with Xulon Press, and this year, I’m a contracted employee.  So all the fun festivities I enjoyed last year, I’m watching from afar this year.  The annual Christmas Party with Secret Santa gifts, the ugly sweater contest, the Christmas Cookie Bake-off, and so much more.  It’s just not the same this year without my work family.


1. Seeing our parents – Christopher and I both get to see our parents, even though his family lives in Chicago.  They have a place in Bonita Springs, and are coming up to see us tomorrow night, and going with us to my dad’s for Christmas Eve.  And we are still spending the night with my dad on Christmas Eve, a long-standing tradition since I first moved out of the house, and only broken when spending Christmas in Chicago with Christopher’s family.  This year, my grandmother and Aunt Denise will also be spending the night Christmas eve, so it’s a BONUS.

2. Christmas Day White Elephant – Every year (again, with the exceptions only being those years we spend in Chicago), on Christmas Day, we go and visit my mom’s family.  We have good food, enjoy each other’s company, and the best of the best, we play a White Elephant game.  We all buy a gift (or gifts) totaling $20 or less, and draw numbers, and well, you probably know the rest.  There are a few fun inside jokes that always take place within my family, making it so much more fun.  I just love spending time with them.

3. Seeing my babies (niece and nephew) – Even though on Christmas they will be in New Orleans, celebrating with my sister-in-law’s family, while we are in town shortly after New Year’s, we are going to be doing another family Christmas, so we can give the kids their gifts.  And actually, this past Friday, I saw both Lara AND Jackson, when I drove up to watch Lara’s second Christmas Program (yes, I saw the first too).  Any time spent with those two makes me a very happy girl.

So, yes.  I’m missing quite a bit this Christmas.  But not enough to ruin it for us.  Actually, it’s making Christopher and I appreciate the Christmas traditions we CAN honor that much more.  I wish only the best for YOU this Holiday Season, and hope that you too can enjoy the most important holiday traditions this year.

This week, there will be no post on Thursday as I spend time with my family.  MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!

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